Pilot, Wife
and Expat life
what goes up, must come down

Friday, 12 August 2016

Out of the fog

A post from rainy Thailand, at the moment with my work schedule my time at home with my girls is precious so I get much more done on layovers!

A while ago I wrote a blogpost that I subsequently deleted. Not for any reason other than it was not "right". I don't mean that it was illegal or rude or anything like that but it just didn't feel like it should be there. It was written when I was probably at my very lowest point after having my second baby, I was in a fog, in a slump and really questioning my sanity.
Ill post the poem that I wrote at the time:


Two beautiful souls brought into this world
Their first breaths, their smiles, a sight to behold
A gift some say, and they would be right
Though sometimes forgotten in the middle of the night
Not one to return or refund or swap
Not one you can buy in any old shop

But here they are and at what cost
Do we ever stop to ask what we have lost
I bare the scars from each today
Some go, some fade, but some will stay
Externally for all to see
Tiger stripes on a mummy tummy

No longer just me but a wife and a Mother
Life forever altered in a way like no other
Body, spirit, mind all changed
It's still worth the losses for all that we've gained
But who am I? And where am I going?
The mental scars are the ones not showing

Born again, a new persona to try
Head up, stomach in and try not to cry
The days on repeat, not a moment alone
No peace or space in your very own home
When I emerge from the fog, finally free

Will I know who I am? Will I still be me?


Most mothers will recognise the feelings in this one, and the post essentially focused around not knowing who I was any more. It was sad, dark and not something that I wanted to keep and certainly something I never wanted my girls to read. The thoughts and concerns in the poem are real though and a softer version of how I was emotionally so I don't mind sharing that.

Yesterday was the day that I realised that these fears aren't there any more. Neither is the fog. I cannot tell you what a relief it is. The cliche of stepping out of the shadow and feeling the sun on your face is ringing in my ears right now but only because it is SO true! My littlest is nearly 8 months old and I only now can say..

I AM BACK!!!!!!

I can't pin point the exact moment it happened or what specifically snapped me out of it. Trust me I wish I could because I would want to replicate it for any mum who ever felt remotely like I did. I think writing this blog helped, having something that was mine away from the chaos and noise of young children. I know it's not for everyone, some people interested in the flying side probably hate the mum side and vice versa, but that is the way it goes. You can't label someone and assume that their entire life conforms to that label. So for all the different facets of my personality, life and being you will find a different kind of post.
I told you I was doing the C9 cleanse too, and the results have been amazing. That and a Brazilian blow out and I am not entirely sure which has been more life changing...! I was so impressed with the C9 that I have continued on with the next plan which is the FIT 1 and even more incredibly have decided to start selling the Forever living products too (in my spare time... as you do...). I am not someone who gets excited by fitness or creams but this has definitely captured my interest. I am looking forward to seeing where it goes.

So now I go back to the question in the poem... "when I emerge from the fog, finally free, will I know who I am? Will I still be me?"

Well, the answer is most definitely NO and I never expected that answer to make me so happy! Of course I am still me, but by no means the same "me" and isn't that fantastic?! I am someone's mother, someone's daughter, someone's wife, someone's employee... but I am also just someone
I get to decide who and after so long of feeling like I had no identity or had no choice in the matter, that is an incredibly liberating thought.

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