Pilot, Wife
and Expat life
what goes up, must come down

Sunday 3 July 2016

More training

I went back to work after maternity leave for one day before being told that I was no longer going to be flying the A330/340 but would now be moving over to the A380. Everyone else in the word would be over the moon at this, but for us it just creates a whole new bucket of stress. Each and every time I go to work I will be gone for minimum 3 days. My husband is also on the A380 so the same applies to him. Now tell me, when the horrific day comes that we both get sent away at the same time... can you picture yourself leaving a 2 year old and a 7 month old for 3 maybe more days at a time without EITHER parent in the country???

No. I can't either. Its insane.

That thought alone is causing me serious anxiety right now, and although a very good friend of mine has said she will help me out, it doesn't really take the sting out of it. I am just going to have to pray and hope that it doesn't happen for a long time and not until the girls are a bit more grown up. Fat chance I think. Does it class as child abuse? In the UK now they have started allowing children to prosecute their parents for "emotional neglect"... Im pretty sure being left without a parent for that long (of course there will be an adult with them lets just state that now before anyone jumps to any ridiculous conclusions) could qualify as emotional neglect?!

It doesn't bare thinking about right now and as a mum you always jump to the "what if's" and I can tell you that it has given me some horrific nightmares.

So, Im trying to just get through one day at a time at the moment and not think too far into the future. Head in the books again and back in the simulator with an elderly captain who seems incapable of working computers. Not a problem unless you plan on flying an aeroplane that is run entirely with computers.... oh. I'll give him his dues though he is like an eagle in the air, but the sloth on the ground is starting to wear thin.

I'm off sick today, the girls have had horrible stomach bugs and seems I was doomed to catch it eventually. It is not pleasant at all. Ive lost 4kgs over night and so far no sign of it slowing. When I do feel better I have to make up the lost sim on a day off and so will end up doing 4 simulators in a row, which is pretty hardcore on a new aircraft. It doesn't help that S will be in Sydney at the time so Ill be attempting to get my preparation done around nappy changes and 2 year old tantrums. I can't wait.

Back to the books now before the girls and S get back from the mall. Then its the rollercoaster of bedtime and I'll be ready to pass out myself. Fingers crossed no more being sick though!

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