Pilot, Wife
and Expat life
what goes up, must come down

Thursday 17 March 2011


We have finally got around to getting some packing companies over to the house to quote for the move to the Middle East. The first company made it to the house on time, took a look around and gave S lots of reassuring information on how exactly they would pack and look after his antique wooden desk. If nothing else arrives intact to the ME, I seriously hope that desk does or I will never hear the end of it. We are still waiting on a quote from this one, but had an email quotation in from another company and my eyes are still watering! £3500 for a few tables, a sofa, far too many clothes (mostly my fault), two beds and a TV. You have to be kidding me! I knew it was going to be fairly expensive but that is just ridiculous. The next company to visit called S from outside the house saying no one was in. This slightly confused him as he was in the study waiting for them and the door bell hadn't gone once. After an odd conversation they worked out that the packing guy was ringing my mother-in-law's door bell... 200 miles away. S had put the wrong address on the form but had confirmed the correct address with them later on the telephone, seems the change had been ignored. It makes me wonder if our furniture would turn up in the ME at all or whether it would somehow find it's way to Australia with an equally bizarre explanation. We have a few more companies to hear from but I am hoping the quotes will be slightly more reasonable!

As you can see on the left, I added two countdown timers to the blog. I had to check the emigration one was correct about 3 times as I couldn't believe that it was only 133 days to go. It sounds a lot, but when you put it in months, thats only 4 and a bit...! I'm excited but terrified too. I have yet to get a job there and still have the interview hurdles to jump over but, I am sure something will work out. I have a feeling that this is fate working for us and although I will of course still work for it, I really feel this is meant to be. I seriously hope I don't regret saying that in a few weeks time!

On a brighter note, I am looking forward to spending a few days in the UK with S at the end of this month. It's been over 4 weeks since I was last with him and it has felt like forever. We are looking at wedding ring designs and I have found a wedding dress sale that I might have to pop into! There is so much that needs to be done, but a girl has to find a dress!!

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