Pilot, Wife
and Expat life
what goes up, must come down

Monday 7 March 2011


Everybody makes snap judgments. I've been told that it only takes 2 seconds to make a first impression and a lifetime to change it. This is certainly true when it comes to the Pilot profession. I have got used to the shocked looks of "you? You are a Pilot?!" but I still cannot fathom why it is such a shock in the first place. When I started, I put it down to the fact that I was 19 years old and yes, it is unusual that someone of that age is qualified to look after 189 people and a 55 tonne aircraft. After a while, I decided it was more because I was female because I am now several years older and I still get the dumbfounded expression!

Stereotypes have always been a part of our society and this is not about to change. Last night I read an interesting post on this forum: marriagewithaltitude. It is discussing another typical stereotype that pilots cheat on their wives.
Obviously over the last few weeks I have been discussing my impending marriage with a few of my colleagues and I have to say I am astounded at the responses I get. It has not only become accepted that long-haul pilots will be on their second or third marriage but this fact is actively used as a deterrent for those of us wanting to tie the knot! Now, I have two sides to this story and I want to state now that I do not believe that a certain group of professionals are more likely to cheat than another as I think it lies solely in the individual person's personality. However, of all the Captain's I have flown with since starting this job there are only a handful who are still married to their first wife, and even less who haven't strayed during that marriage. I wonder, is this any different from the path that society (certainly in the UK) is leading down anyway?

My father was a pilot, and he has been married to my mother for over 35 years. When I tell other pilot's this, the first question they ask is "and he flew long-haul?!" I have always dreamed of a marriage as stable and mutually supportive as theirs and I expect to work hard for this to happen. With S about to move onto long(er) haul in the Middle East I can't help but wonder what changes some men from loving husbands to compulsive cheats and will we ever be able to change this long standing stereotype?

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